Bethlehem for Christmas in Cordoba

Tradicionales belenes en Córdoba

How every year, the traditional Bethlehem competition is held in Cordoba. It is a lot of Bethlehem open to the public, with free admission for anyone who wants to come to visit them.

It is a competition held with the collaboration of the Belenista Cultural Association of Córdoba and the Cajasur Foundation to promote and promote the cultural and artistic activities of the city.

When you can visit the Bethlehem

All the Bethlehem that are presented to the contest can be visited from the 14th of December to the 6th of January. Opening hours to the public are from 18:00h. 9 p.m. 12:00hr. 14:00 h. Sundays and holidays.

You should keep in mind that in addition to the official schedule, many of these Belenes are open more hours to the public, how you can check in the list. On 24 and 31 December are not required to belong open.

What kind of Bethlehem you can see

As in all artistic fields, the Bethlehem`s also have different categories. There are the biblical, modern or regional type. This competition is presented with Brotherhoods, Peñas, Colleges, Private people etc. Types also depend on size, although the larger ones are usually the most spectacular, you can see them of all sizes.

What is valued in the Bethlehem´s

The Bethlehem who are presented for competition are evaluated by specialists in this guild. The aspects that are taken into account when valuing them are the general presentation, the type and realism of the buildings, the vegetation, the landscaping, the lighting, the special effects…

*Images of Bethlehem in c/ Manriquez 11

List of Bethlehem

  • Avda. Gran Capitán, 1 Área de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Córdoba.
  • Avda. del Linneo, en el Jardín Botánico.
  • C/ Conde y Luque, 10.
  • Avda. Virgen de las Angustias, 5 – 2º 4.
  • C/ Espíritu Santo, 22.
  • C/ Jaén, 6 – 4º D.
  • C/ Los Olivos, 14 – 3º 1.
  • C/ Maese Luis, 4.
  • C/ Marruecos, 6 – 2º M.
  • C/ Papa Juan XXIII, 39.
  • C/ Papa Juan XXIII, 56.
  • Plaza de San Pedro, 4.
  • C/ San Basilio, 17.
  • C/ Agustín Moreno, 26, Parroquia de Santiago.
  • C/ Arcos de la Frontera, 23, Parroquia Virgen de Fátima.
  • C/ Arcos de la Frontera, 32.
  • Avda. del Brillante, 106, Hospital San Juan de Dios.
  • Avda. Fuensanta, 37, Colegio Cervantes Hnos. Maristas.
  • Avda. Gran Capitán, 5, Centro Cultural San Hipólito.
  • Avda. Ministerio de la Vivienda, s/n, Parroquia San Rafael.
  • Avda. Ntra. Sra. de Begoña (C. Comercial Miralbaida.
  • Avda. Virgen de Linares, 2.
  • C/ Barrionuevo, 14 local.
  • Compás de San Francisco, Parroquia de San Francisco y San Eulogio.
  • C/ Compositor Ramón Medina, 36 local.
  • Crta. de Trassierra, Km. 2,5.
  • C/ Duque de la Victoria, 4 Bajo.
  • C/ José María Martorell, s/n.
  • C/ José María Pemán, 1 – 4º 3.
  • C/ Lino Arisqueta, 32 Casa.
  • C/ Manríquez, 11 bajo.
  • C/ María Cristina, 8 local.
  • Plaza de Cañero, 30.
  • C/ Poeta Marcial, s/n – 14009 – IES San Álvaro.
  • Puerta de Almodóvar, 5 – 14003 Restaurante Taberna ‘Casa Rubio’.
  • C/ Rafael Pavón, 6 – 14007 – Parroquia San Juan de Ávila.
  • C/ Romero, 1 – 14003 – Rest.Taberna ‘Casa Pepe de la Judería’.
  • C/ Albeniz, 12 – local.
  • Avda. Guerrita, s/n (Parroquia B. Álvaro Córdoba).
  • C/ Capitulares, s/n (Iglesia San Pablo).
  • C/ Cardenal Salazar, 1.
  • C/ Conde de Gondomar, 17 – 1º.
  • C/ Escañuela, 10 (Casa Hermandad)
  • C/ Fernández de Córdoba, 2 local.
  • C/ Jesús Nazareno, 17-19.
  • C/ María Auxiliadora, 12 – Galería 1ª planta.
  • C/ Pastora, 2.
  • Plaza de la Compañía, s/n (Iglesia).
  • Plaza de San Pedro, 23 local.
  • Ronda de Andújar, 16 local.
  • C/ Alarcón López, 4 bajo.
  • Ctra. de Santo Domingo, (junto Convento Sto. Domingo).
  • C/ Romero de Torres, 73,
  • El Higuerón (Córdoba).
  • C/ Pintor Alejo Fernández, 2,
    El Higuerón (Córdoba).
  • C/ Madroño, 12 (Urbaniz. Encinares de Alcolea),
    Acolea (Córdoba).